Loss & Grief

Coping with Loss

Dear fellow healers of the body, heart, mind and soul,

Loss can happen and does happen to all of us at some point in our lives, this is not necessarily just loss to death – it can apply to many kind of losses in our lives. To give you an idea of what I mean, loss can be;

  • Job redundancy, contract end, resignation or sack
  • House move or loss, damage
  • Spouse to death or separation
  • Breakdown of a Relationship with friends, family, colleagues
  • Money debt, theft, loss,
  • Pets death, theft or ill health
  • Children death, ill health, leaving home, separation
  • Health deterioration, serious illness, terminal illness
  • Material loss
  • Spiritual loss, loss of faith, challenge in faith/belief ,
  • Identity loss, stigma, shame, guilt, fear of being able to show your beliefs

These are just a few to ponder over and the cycle or process of dealing with loss would be the same therapeutically over each. To accept and recognise the loss cycle can be helpful and useful to understand your feelings and emotions of what you’re experiencing and therefor better able to cope where needed.

Tips for loss:

  • Be kind to yourself – it is natural to feel hurt, fear and sadness
  • Acknowledge the loss and give it set time to move on from
  • Plan in support to help you achieve the progress to keep moving forward
  • Take a moment to breath and sense your pace and go with this – don’t push past or too fast through the process of healing needed
  • When in calm contemplative moments focus on what you have – rather than what you have lost
  • Seek support through GP or counsellor to get help when ready – this is self-care
  • Self-care – focus on doing things to help lift your moods: gym, walks, talking to friends, counselling etc.

The above are just some tips and of course you can always talk through to understand more on each step when working with a counsellor.

I hope to have given some valuable and useful information. Thank you to all who took time to read this.

Stay blessed,

Yours sincerely

Ansa E Ahmed